This is an extension of my project on Computer Graphics Practicum at Cornell University. Shiyu Wang, Alex Chen, Weiyu Wang and I worked together on this project.


Press up, down, left, right to rotate camera.

You can update the configuration with the panel on the right.

Since the textures are very large, it might take a few seconds to load the content.

Known Issue

The rendering is very slow on Mac (~ 2 FPS, so it is not fluent at all), but more than 10 FPS on PC. It could be due to different hardware implementation, so some of our operation cause the bottleneck on Mac.


Kanamori, Yoshihiro, Zoltan Szego, and Tomoyuki Nishita. “GPU‐based Fast Ray Casting for a Large Number of Metaballs.” Computer Graphics Forum. Vol. 27. No. 2. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2008.

Harada, Takahiro, Seiichi Koshizuka, and Yoichiro Kawaguchi. “Smoothed particle hydrodynamics on GPUs.” Computer Graphics International. Petropolis: SBC, 2007.
